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Friday, August 20, 2010

Interstate Childsupport and how to deal with it.

Hello All Single Mom's and Dad's in Illinois trying to seek out Child Support on an Interstate case. This can be quite difficult and time consuming. I should know. I have spent more hours trying to get Illinois to move on my case than I sleep in a month! So this is my story. Almost two years ago I applied for child support. I went there they told me the case would take up to 9 months before they heard from the other state. Fine I excepted it. One day I got a letter in the mail saying court was to be held in Tennessee. Well I can't go down there so I had to wait for court to happen. Low and behold the father doesn't show for the first court date he blows it off. Ok second date comes around and he go's. This time he asks for a paternity test. No doubt to slow things down. Well guess what he was successful. Several months later I get the paternity test papers I go when I am suppose to but again he blows it off and they have to reschedule. Fun dealing with your ex in another state. So finally get goes and it's funny the same day as my daughter's 10th b-day is the day they file that he is the father. They send me the results. They also send the results to Tennessee and Illinois. So I call Illinois asking what is going on. They tell me they don't know and they will email the regional office. Ok when they say they are going to do this don't believe them because they don't. You have to call daily until finally someone takes pitty on you and sends an email. But wait you won't hear back from them. Nope they say I don't know why you didn't hear back from anyone.
Their famous lines are:
 Be patient
I don't know why no one has not contacted you
This is an interstate case it takes time
Time you tell me to be patient it's was almost two years and I finally received my first three checks last week. The key with interstate cases is this. Call child support weekly! Who cares what they have to say. If your ex has a court date make sure you know about it. Than follow with the clerks office. Get copies of what ever was said in court that day. Make sure you get the docket number. Find out how much it will cost to get the papers sent to you. If Illinois says you don't have your own case worker they are lying! When you go in to apply make sure you get the name and number of the person that is going to work your case. That was my biggest mistake. Also call the other states child support office. Tell them the Illinois is not helping you and you need to know what is going on. If you are super sweet and sound totally desperate they will help you! If your case is in Tennessee even better. They have been awesome to me. It is well worth the fight. You just have to keep on top of Illinois. They don't want to do their job!